Apr 01 - 2015

Parteš students acquainted with the heritage of Kosovo

During January – June 2014, under the management of CHwB office in Kosovo and in cooperation with members of civil society represented in the Local Cultural Heritage Forum of Parteš, the project “Let’s recognize the cultural heritage of Kosovo” was implemented. Within this project, under the guide escort, various educational visits were organized across different cultural heritage sites. The purpose of the visits was the inclusion and acquaintance of the youth of the municipality of Parteš with the diversity and values of cultural heritage of Kosovo.

Partesh vizita PE 01 Partesh vizita PE 02   Partesh vizita PE 03 Partesh vizita PE 04   Partesh vizita PE 05 Partesh vizita PE 06

During the visit in Peja

During this project six educational visits were held, four of them held in Prizren and two of them in the city of Peja and Deçan. During the visits, children were accompanied by their teachers and parents. The uniqueness of these visits was that the program was organized for the first time for the students of this municipality with Serb majority. Participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the diverse mosaic of our country, including various local cultures and sites belonging to different religions and typologies.

Partesh vizita D 01   Partesh vizita D 02 Partesh vizita D 03   Partesh vizita D 04

During the visit in Deçan

The beneficiary groups of the project were high school students of this municipality, including the school of agriculture and economy of the village of Parteš and medical school and high school of Pasjan village. Within the visits, joint sessions with students were organized, where they were asked about their impressions of the visited sites. Based in anonymous evaluations conducted with participants, most of them were very pleased with the organization and visits, by expressing their enthusiasm about future visits in other sites.

Partesh vizita PZ 01 Partesh vizita PZ 02   Partesh vizita PZ 03 Partesh vizita PZ 04   Partesh vizita PZ 05 Partesh vizita PZ 06

During the visits in Prizren

Through this initiative, more than 230 participants had the opportunity to enrich their curiosity with new knowledge on cultural assets that surround them, thus breaking the prejudices about the cultural heritage of other communities living in Kosovo. Furthermore, they developed a sense of belonging, critical awareness and sense of respect and preservation of cultural diversity as an important factor in the process of reconciliation.

Partesh vizita PZ 07   Partesh vizita PZ 08 Partesh vizita PZ 09   Partesh vizita PZ 10 Partesh vizita PZ 11   Partesh vizita PZ 12

During the visits in Prizren

The project “Let’s recognize the cultural heritage of Kosovo” has been one of the priorities of the Local Cultural Heritage Plan of Parteš. This plan was drafted by CHwB, the Municipality of Parteš and other central level institutions in the framework of the Program of Local Cultural Heritage Plans 2012-2015.

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Apr 01 - 2015

Local Heritage Forum of Dragash in study visit to Albania

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Apr 15 - 2015

Works in the Castle of Kaçanik are to be started soon