May 13 - 2014

Permission granted for restoration of the winery of St. Stefan Church in Velika Hoča/Hoçë e Madhe

03We are happy to announce that on 31 March 2014, the project ‘Restoration and revitalization of the winery of St. Stefan Church in Velika Hoča/Hoqë e Madhe’ has been granted permission from the Implementation and Monitoring Council (IMC) via Secretariat operating within the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP).


Project has undergone the initial cleaning phase to enable field measuring and consultation of relevant policy documentation as well as consultation with the beneficiary representatives: local community in Velika Hoča/Hoçë e Madhe and Serbian Orthodox Church.


Once measurement were in place, project team has embarked in defining the building defects analysis and proposed interventions including works in cleaning and preparation, demolition, masonry and pointing, plastering, roof, openings (doors & windows), floor and drainage.02

In the forthcoming weeks, project team will seek to procure the works to the interested companies in conducting restoration works, inline with the approved permission from IMC.


For more information about the project Restoration and revitalization of the winery of St. Stefan Church in Velika Hoča / Hoçë e Madhe click here.





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May 13 - 2014

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Jun 10 - 2014

Two civil society organizations of Vushtrri/Vučitrn mobilize their communities on the awareness for cultural and natural heritage