Jun 22 - 2013

Public consultations in 7 municipalities successfully conducted


On June 11th has ended the foreseen period for public consultations in 7 partner municipalities of the ‘Local Cultural Heritage Plans 2013-2015’.

The launch of public consultations began with a presentation about the process of the Program on Local Cultural Heritage Plans, with the sole purpose for informing the public on the details of the process. Subsequently, all the projects identified during the work of Local Cultural Heritage Forum of the respective municipality have been introduced. Most of the attendees displayed great interest during public presentation, by submitting many questions, suggestions and bringing productive debates.

All the ideas and suggestions picked up from the public during the period of consultations will be discussed at the forthcoming meetings of 7 Local Cultural Heritage Forums of each partner municipality of the Program, during which the existing list of priorities shall be enriched with the innovative projects.









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Jun 22 - 2013

Update: Competition Results - Design Ideas Competition - Apply now!

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Sep 18 - 2013

Tour De Culture in September is waiting for you!