Oct 21 - 2016

Access to the Castle of Prizren

Yesterday, the Committee of the Municipal Assembly of Prizren had the first discussion with stakeholders (representatives of institutions, experts, officials, various NGOs, citizens, etc.) regarding the project "Access to the Castle of Prizren".


Review of possibilities for providing access for all to the Castle of Prizren has emerged as a priority in the management plan, which was drafted as part of the project "Preservation of Prizren Fortress", funded by the US Embassy and implemented by CHwB Kosovo and the Archaeological Institute of Kosovo.

Senat Haliti, project manager from CHwB Kosovo during the meeting, presented general information about the values ​​of the monument, defined by the working groups of the project "Preservation of Prizren Fortress". He gave several examples of regional and international cooperation on addressing access to various castles and potential development scenarios for the Castle of Prizren.


During the debate, were discussed different proposals, ideas, suggestions and remarks about the idea for the project, but what prevailed was the will of the majority to implement this idea, despite that it is not in the list of high priority projects.

The yesterday meeting was only the first in a series of meetings that will be held until the closing statements of responsible experts and institutions for the way the project will be implemented, while respecting the integrity of Prizren Castle as a significant monument with extraordinary values for the region.


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