Sep 02 - 2014


The conversion of traditional houses in Rahovec into guest houses

Cultural Heritage without Borders (CHwB) Kosovo office, in cooperation with the Municipality of Rahovec, under the framework of the project “The conversion of traditional houses into guest houses”, invites the owners of traditional houses/kullas in Rahovec to apply so that a part of their house/kulla is converted into a guest house.

This process includes the adaptation of a space inside the house/kulla for the accommodation of visitors/tourists.

To find out about the terms of the application please download the application form in Albanian or Serbian and submit it by Septemebr 12th, 2014.

For further information and sending the application please write to [email protected] or use the following telephone number: +386 (0) 49 887 523.

This project is one of the priorities of the Local Cultural Heritage Plan of Rahovec. This plan is part of program for Local Cultural Hertiage Plans 2012-2015 drafted by CHwB, Municipality of Rahovec and other cetral level institutions. For further information on this program click here.




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