Oct 11 - 2011

Rolling with Tour de Culture 2011!


On Sunday 25th September, around 550 participants of all ages and all abilities gathered at the ancient Fortress of Novo Brdo, deep in the Kosovo hills in a landscape rich with archaeological ruins and layered cultural histories.

Setting off on a 40km ride as part of the Tour de Culture 2011, spirits were high and speeds even higher as the group wound its way down clear country roads to the Finish Line in Kosovo’s capital, Pristina. Numerous – and much appreciated – breaks were organised en route, with water, fruit and vegetables providing sustenance, and greetings by local Mayors whose cultural heritage highlights were included in the route, such as the Novo Brdo Fortress and Gracanica Monastery. The large group of sweaty cyclists even unexpectedly gatecrashed a wedding at the monastery, to the great surprise of bride and groom!

For more photos of the day, please visit the Gallery section of this website, and take a look at the Tour de Culture Facebook page:

Tour de Culture image gallery on Facebook




The entrance to Pristina was also sadly symbolic: a tribute was laid to cyclists and all those who have been injured or lost their lives on Kosovo’s roads. This year’s Tour de Culture was not just about raising awareness about and opening up access to cultural heritage sites across Kosovo. It also had an environmental message – that there are healthier and more exciting transport options than cars, that drivers should be increasingly aware of cyclists on Kosovo’s roads; and that Pedal Power can be a source of environmental and cultural solidarity between all generations.


Moreover, Tour de Culture 2011 is one of the registered events in the global movement on solving climate crisis, under www.350.org and www.moving-planet.org.

All in all, it was a thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding day for all involved. Roll on Tour de Culture 2012!

For more information about Tour de Culture in Kosovo, please visit:

Moving-Planet.Org – Tour de Culture in Kosovo

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Oct 11 - 2011

The Start of Tourism Training for "See You in Dukagjin"

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Oct 19 - 2011

Training Course in Dranoc (8-17 November)