Sep 27 - 2011

The Start of Tourism Training for “See You in Dukagjin”


In line with planned activities, ‘See you in Dukagjin’ Tourism Development Project has initiated thematic training aimed to reinforce tourism products within the region. Held by the local NGO “Rrasa e Zogut”, the training is firstly focused on mountaineering practices for tourism development. Amongst key topics discussed are the use of GIS/GPS, orientation, signalling, first aid and security.


Training began on 26 September 2011 with junior participants from ‘Gjeravica’ and ‘Pashtriku’ hiking organizations, an NGO for local women, the local authority and residents. The end of training sessions, planned for Sunday 2nd October 2011, will include a hiking trip into the beautiful mountains of Gjeravica where participants will get the opportunity to put into practice the lessons learned! In addition, during the training sessions, participants will have to work on the development of some key signboards which will be later installed at key crossroads during the hiking trip.


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Sep 27 - 2011

Hop on your bicycle and join Tour de Culture 2011 on September 25th, next Sunday!

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Oct 11 - 2011

Rolling with Tour de Culture 2011!