Nov 13 - 2015

The emergency phase in one of the most emblematic bridge of Gjakova is closed

One of the ten biggest bridges of the region, the Tailors Bridge has served as a trade connection between various communities and represents a symbol of the past and is of unique architectural importance as well as a monument representing necessity and life.

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The intervention works started on the 13th of July 2015 and were completed on the 18th of September 2015. The main purpose of the treatment was the consolidation of the bridge, and it was mainly focused on the most damaged parts of the structure caused by non-maintenance and floods of recent years in the river Erenik. The Tailors Bridge in the village Bishtazhin of Gjakova has been treated as part of Cultural Emergency Response program, financed by Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development in partnership with CHwB Kosovo office. This monument was one of the priorities for intervention identified in the Local Heritage Plan of Gjakova. This plan was developed in the in the framework of the Program of Local Cultural Heritage Plans in 7 municipalities of Kosovo.

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The works started with the cleaning of biological colonization in the setting of the bridge in both sides 6 meter from its perimeter and the pavement layered with cobblestones of the building. The cleaning of trees, bushes and grass was done mechanically and by excavator.

The damaged buttresses of the bridge were restored with carved stones in the pointed part and were filled with same stones as the original, bound with lime mortar, in the parts were stones were missing. After opening the ditches around the buttresses and after water draining, a layer of 40-60 cm thick concrete was put as rings to protect the existing structure. Afterwards, the casting was done according to the shape presented in the detailed project and the structure was reinforced with a new layer of reinforced high quality concrete.

Foto ura t (22)  Foto ura t (23)

After cleaning the setting of the bridge from the biological colonization, were identified some serious damages of other buttresses of the bridge, in the direction to Gjakova. Damages in the buttresses were various, mainly missing stones, eroded stones or damages caused by weather conditions and biological colonization. The treatment started by first cleaning the biological colonization in the buttresses, then filling them with stones, same as the original at the parts they missed.

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The layer of cobblestones in the pavement of the bridge were restored by putting new river stones bound, same as the original with lime mortar in the parts were they were missing. The edge wall, steps and damaged cobblestones of the bridge in the direction of Prizren were restored by putting stones bound with lime mortar in the damaged parts.

Foto ura t (20)  Foto ura t (21)  Foto ura t (27)

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Nov 13 - 2015

Civil society statement upon failure of Kosovo’s UNESCO membership bid

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Nov 25 - 2015

The inauguration ceremony in the medieval church of St. Saviour