Oct 08 - 2014

TOUR DE CULTURE 2014: a long and joyful journey

The Sunday morning of September 28th, 2014, more than 500 participants responded to the invitation to promote our common natural and cultural heritage, non-motorized transport and environmental protection in Kosovo. The seventh edition of the Tour de Culture, a unique activity in Kosovo that brings together the principles of the European Heritage Days and those of European Mobility Week, took place in Vushtrri and Podujeva municipalities. The tour was supported by more than 60 volunteers and gathered participants from seven major cities of Kosovo, adding those from both hosting municipalities of the event.

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START of the tour took place ​​from the recently restored Vushtrri Castle, which was lately opened to the public. The participants of the tour had the opportunity to enjoy the exhibition and a video screening about the project of conservation and restoration of the Castle. Guests from all over Kosovo immersed in the sounds of Quartet Pentagram music band and folk dances of local traditional group of Vushtrri. Furthermore, groups of pupils from Vushtrri, ushered by their teachers, had the chance to learn about traffic rules and advantages of riding a bike.

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Mayor of Vushtrri, Mr. Barjam Mulaku, and Head of CHwB in Kosovo, Mr. Sali Shoshi, with an occasion and welcome address marked the official start of this year’s cycling tour. To show that this activity is truly open for all, the tour was firstly headed by people with disabilities on their wheelchairs, who paraded only a part of the tour and then, in a special transport vehicle, stayed on the entire tour, on all the stops, up to the FINISH line.

This year’s route included nearly 50 kilometers, and considering that the activity is open for both professional and recreational cyclists, the group was escorted by the police, ambulance vehicle and bike mechanics. In the midst of this relatively long route, ​​two stops were made, where the participants took a break and served with food, fruit, vegetables, water and soft drinks.

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FINISH of this tour materialized under the sunbeams and lovely sunset at Batllava Lake. As a prize for mileage covered, band Jericho from Prishtina delivered a pulsating performance for all the participants. Jericho’s music is a fusion of rock, alternative, electronic and traditional ethnic Albanian music.

Tour de Culture, which in 2014 has been organized for the seventh consecutive year, tends each year to bring closer every corner of our country thus turning it into a pleasant tradition for Kosovan society. CHwB Kosovo was supported in the implementation of this year’s event by various local NGOs. In agreement with CHwB, these organizations, starting from the coming year, will tend to expand the tour in different regions of Kosovo throughout the whole year.

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Tour de Culture 2014 was organized by CHwB Kosovo, which also financed it through the funds of Sweden. The project also was supported financially by the Joint Project of the European Union / Council of Europe “Support to the Promotion of Cultural Diversity”, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports and the United States Embassy in Prishtina. The event has found support from various NGOs, media, local businesses, including the two hosting municipalities.

For the leaflet of Tour de Culture 2014, click here.

For the complete photo gallery of the Tour de Culture 2014, click here.

For more information about the project and previous editions, click here.

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TASTE & DANCE Intangible Heritage of the East Region