Oct 01 - 2016

Tour de Culture 2016, focused on natural heritage

On Sunday September 25, about 500 cyclists from all over Kosovo responded to the invitation of the Tour de Culture 2016, focused this year on natural heritage. The ninth edition of Tour de Culture, a unique activity in Kosovo that combines the principles of the European Heritage Days and the European Mobility Week, began in the cave of Radavc and the White Drini spring in the municipality of Peja, continuing in the archaeological site of Dërsnik and finished in the Mirusha waterfall in the municipality of Klina.

In the START, participants had the opportunity to visit the Cave of Radavc guided by the association of the cave "Sleeping Beauty". Radavc cave is located just 11 kilometers from the city of Peja and for now, the path 300 meters long can be visited. It is believed that the entire path is 2.1 kilometers. According to research, Radavc Cave has been inhabited at least since Neolithic, or about 6,000 years ago. "Sleeping Beauty"- the cave is so called, consists of a network of tunnels, canals, galleries and halls, beautifully carved by natural forces of water throughout the centuries. Not far from this cave flows the White Drini river, a masterpiece of nature.


At the first stop, under the synthesizer and guitar sounds from Anyla Berisha and Visar Kuqi, accompanied by the archaeologist Elvis Shala, cyclists visited the archaeological site of Dërsnik. This  village located in the municipality of Klina, hided an ancient secret under its land - a mosaic that is thought to be part of a Roman Municipium. The colorful mosaic is one of the most important findings in Kosovo in the past four decades. The Roman site in Dërsnik was discovered in 2012 by Kosovo archaeologists. So far were identified several building structures that are supposed to be palaces and villas surrounded by a fortification wall. In one of the structures was also identified the mosaic of approximately 200 m², the largest found so far in Kosovo.

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This year, the FINISH of the tour, after 46.8 kilometres, was marked in the one of the natural heritage pearls of Kosovo, Mirusha waterfall. Here participants had the opportunity to enjoy the performance but also climb the rocks of the waterfall with the help of professional group of alpinists "KAP-Alpine Club Prishtina", by enjoying the electronic music of DJ Uran B. Mirusha waterfall flows in the municipalities of Rahovec, Klina and Malisheva. Apart from its beautiful scenery and morphology, the canyon is also outstanding because of its 16 lakes and 13 cascade falls of different shapes and heights, situated along the river course. In 1983, a part of Mirusha river, where the canyon is located, was designated as a Regional Natural Park. In the latest list of Cultural Heritage for Temporary Protection of MCYS it is registered as a Cultural Landscape.


Tour de Culture 2016 was organized by CHwB Kosovo, which also financed the activity through the Swedish funds. The project was also supported financially by the US Embassy in Prishtina. Valuable contribution to the project was also provided by local companies (Vala, Buka, Rugova, Pilot Bike), 'Istanbul Medicine' Hospital, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, Kosovo Police and the Association of Radac Cave "Sleeping Beauty".

For the brochure of Tour de Culture 2016, click here.

For the complete photo gallery of the Tour de Culture 2016, click here.

For more information about the project and previous editions, click here.

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CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: International Training on Disaster Preparedness and First Aid for Cultural Heritage

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Oct 21 - 2016

Access to the Castle of Prizren