Oct 08 - 2014

Traditional buildings for bed & breakfast in Rahovec selected

Municipality of Rahovec, well known in Kosovo and beyond for grape-farming and winery along with its striking natural beauties and rich cultural heritage, has tremendous potential for tourism development. As an emerging tourist destination, the town needs necessary services that would lead to economic growth.

BnB Rahovec home

On September 25, 2014, at the premises of the Municipality of Rahovec, an extraordinary meeting of the Local Cultural Heritage Forum of Rahovec was held. At this meeting was discussed about the project “The conversion of traditional houses into guest houses”, specifically about the selection of the houses which will be converted into bed and breakfast services.

For reaching up to the selection process of these houses, several steps were required to be adhered to for this project. The first step was the notification of citizens of Rahovec for this intervention. This announcement was made by the Municipality of Rahovec and Tourist Centre in collaboration with the Youth Center. The announcement included information about the project, terms for application and the application form itself. Applications were submitted to the offices of Rahovec Municipality. An additional way of application was the online one by logging in the municipal’s official website and to that of CHwB Kosovo.

Seven owners of traditional buildings have responded to this open call. All the applicants met the terms for application, however, having regard on the set budget and selection criteria, the Forum selected two houses for intervention. Selection criteria were published together with application forms. The houses selected are: the House of Fehmi Kadriu and that of Sadedin Bugari. Both these houses are located in the town center of Rahovec, conveying the values ​​and appeal of the time they were built. Both of these houses are in good structural condition and their adaptation can be done within the set budget.

Upon the selection process of these houses by the Local Cultural Heritage Forum of Rahovec, it will be progressed with the project design for their adaptation and then with the implementation of adaption works in both these houses. At the end of the process it is foreseen to produce an informative brochure for both these houses in order to promote them as much within the municipality and beyond.

This project is one of the priorities of the Local Cultural Heritage Plan of Rahovec. This plan is part of program for Local Cultural Hertiage Plans 2012-2015 drafted by CHwB, Municipality of Rahovec and other central level institutions. For further information on this program click here.

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Agreement on conservation of the Fortress of Prizren signed

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