Mar 09 - 2017

Cultural Heritage part of teaching curriculum


From 13/03/17 Cultural Heritage become part of teaching curricula of the learning center "Fidan Lahu" in Fushe Kosova. CHwB Kosovo and Balkan Sunflowers have worked developed the PACE program (Planned Activities for Cohesive Education) by integrating Cultural Heritage, as a practical part of learning through activities, and by extending its importance in the field of education.


On 06/03/2016 CHwB Kosovo has trained 25 tutors-teachers of Fidan Lahu center. The center operates along with four other centers in Gracanica, Shtime, Plemetin and is managed by the BSFK Organization, which has more than 10 years’ experience in the field of education.

In this training was lectured about the interpretation methods of Cultural Heritage to the children of the fourth, fifth and sixth grade. In addition to that, was revealed the importance and role of heritage between communities and how they can use it as a value among the youth. Kaltrina Thaçi, Alban Morina and Orgesa Arifi from CHwB Kosovo, trained the teachers to use the curriculum for one year, where also were discussions and comments about the activities and presentations provided by the curriculum. In addition to these topics that will be addressed throughout the year, the curriculum provides activities and visits to cultural heritage sites. This is to arouse curiosity and emotionally connect young people with the lifestyle and values of the past.


This pilot project has started in the educational center in Fushë Kosova and will continue for a year, while in 2018, is expected to continue in four other learning centers.

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Mar 09 - 2017

CHwB closing the year with membership in two international networks

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Mar 09 - 2017

Cultural Heritage is vanishing everyday