Jul 13 - 2015

Vushtrri municipality this year with tour guides & guidebook

By the end of this year, Municipality of Vushtrri will have its tourist information office with trained tour guides and guidebook. This project is part of the priorities of the Local Cultural Heritage Plan of this municipality. This plan was drafted by CHwB, the Municipality of Vushtrri and other central level institutions in the framework of the Program of Local Cultural Heritage Plans and is co-financed by the Sweden, through CHwB and the Municipality of Vushtrri.

[caption id="attachment_4924" align="alignnone" width="604"]v h Old Stone Bridge in Vushtrri (Photo credit: Database of Cultural Heritage of Kosovo - http://dtk.rks-gov.net)[/caption]

The municipality of Vushtrri is known for its rich history, but its natural and cultural heritage needs to be valued, collated and presented to the wider public. Linking these attractions and tourist sites in a whole as a tourist offer will contribute to its local development. For this purpose, four candidates of fields related to cultural heritage and tourism were selected for training as tour guides. Besides training that will be offered, the selected candidates will work in the data collection and processing for the creation of a guidebook. Tourist Information Office will be located near Vushtrri Castle, jointly managed and used by guides and the Municipality of Vushtrri.

[caption id="attachment_4920" align="alignnone" width="604"]Vushtrri toursim 01 Vushtrri Castle[/caption]

Moreover, this project is in harmony with the "Economic Development Strategy for the Municipality of Vushtrri 2013-2018", which envisages to develop and raise the welfare and provide a better life for all its citizens through these pillars: sustainable economic development, promotion of education and training, improving health and social welfare, infrastructure development and environmental protection and promotion of tourism, culture and sport.

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Jul 13 - 2015

Apply now for the Prizren Castle interpretation camp!

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Jul 14 - 2015

The condition of 3 historic buildings in Dragash is improved