Feb 20 - 2013

Workshops with partner municipalities of the LCHP Programme have finished


Over the past three months workshops were held in seven partner municipalities of the ‘Local Cultural Heritage Plans 2012-2015’ Programme. With joint efforts first steps were undertaken towards the completion of the plan, which is the basis of local development based on cultural and natural heritage resources.

The methodology of the workshops was the same – split into theoretical and practical part. Theoretical or “working” phase contributed to identify the current state of cultural and natural heritage of each municipality through various analyses, such as general and strategic SWOT and PESTEL analysis. These analysis fathomed that most of municipalities face similar issues when it comes to cultural heritage, and that certain municipalities retain peculiar local issues that certainly differ from other municipalities.

In addition to these analysis, this component of workshop has seen highly beneficial presentations from the representatives of MCYS and MESP. Participants got an insight into the cultural heritage legislation of Kosovo, as well as its inclusion in the spatial planning in Kosovo. Forums of each municipality have granted outstanding contributions, and these specific platforms, consisting of representatives of national and local levels as well as civil society, have proven to be very rewarding.

Work of Forums of each municipality was very intensive and productive, where the foundation of Local Plan of Cultural Heritage was made. As a result of a joint work and discussion of all forum participants, all projects were prioritized divided based on overall objectives. The final document will assume its conclusive design at Forum’s forthcoming meetings, and as such will be put out for a public debate.

Each municipality, after the “working” part of the workshop, had the opportunity to benefit from a two-day visit in different cities of 3 countries of the region: Albania, Macedonia and Montenegro. Cities with historical significance and rich cultural heritage as Tirana, Shkodra/Skadar, Ohrid/Ohër and Kotor/Kotorr provided the participants with good examples in preservation and management of cultural heritage buildings.

Forum participants from Municipalities of Vushtrri/Vučitrn and Dragash/Dragaš visited the of magnificent city on the Lake Ohrid/Ohër – Ohrid/Ohri, and besides the castle they visited many other historic buildings.




Participants of Gjilan/Gnjilane and Kacanik/Kačanik forum enjoyed exciting historical tales of Tirana and Albania. The next day they had the opportunity to visit beautiful Preza castle from XV century, located on a picturesque hill near Tirana.




Last visit was organized for Parteš/Partesh forum participants, to the old town of Kotor/Kotorr, which, as the city of the great historical significance and unique architecture, left everyone speechless. Visit to a sleepy baroque town Perast, just confirmed why everyone calls Boka Kotorska (Bay of Kotor) one of the most beautiful bays in the world.



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Feb 20 - 2013

US Ambassador Jacobson and Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Mr. Krasniqi visited Vushtrri castle and Vushtrri Hamam

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Apr 22 - 2013

Call for Grants 2013