Dec 06 - 2016


Organizations and civil society activists urge the Ministry of Culture to urgently begin the restoration of the building in question, so that it can be saved and reused and to bring back to citizens a highly significant monument, the house of Xhafer Deva.


The group of organizations and civil society activists listed for the protection of the house of Xhafer Deva in Mitrovica


The group of organizations and civil society activists listed for the protection of the house of Xhafer Deva in Mitrovica, with concern received the information that municipal authorities in Mitrovica have decided to demolish the Cultural Heritage Monument of Kosovo- the House of Xhafer Deva. This monument was built in 1930 and represents a building with high artistic and architectural values and a collective memory of the city of Mitrovica.

Representatives of this group, on 24th of November 2016, contacted the municipal authorities of Mitrovica and were informed that on July 8, 2016, the municipal inspectorate, in signed minutes gave the option of "rehabilitation or demolition of the house", with the justification that "the building is threatened by itself dilapidation". Consequently, on July 12, 2016, the Inspection Department had taken the decision to demolish the building (Decision no. 05NR354 / 50117).

Further, municipal authorities report that, after contacting the Regional Cultural Heritage Centre in Mitrovica, were informed that the Ministry of Culture has allocated the budget for the restoration of this building. After that, the Inspection Department of Mitrovica has also issued a new Decision (Decision no. 05NR354 / 86868), which revokes the previous decision of demolition.

Municipal authorities of Mitrovica also informed that, despite the revocation of the decision for demolition, the endangered condition of the building and allocated fund, the Ministry of Culture still has done nothing for the restoration of the building, despite the fact that the Ministry of Culture is the responsible authority for the preservation of monuments of culture and the management body of public budget allocated for restoration.

Regarding this, the Group of organizations and civil society activists listed for the protection of the House of Xhafer Deva, express their concern for unjustified delays, which may result in the deterioration of the already endangered building.

Therefore, this group, urges the Ministry of Culture to urgently begin the restoration of the building in question, so that it can be saved, reused and a very significant monument, the house of Xhafer Deva to be returned to citizens.

To act today, because tomorrow will be too late!

Prishtina, 26 November 2016


The group of organizations and civil society activists listed for the protection of the House of Xhafer Deva in Mitrovica:

  1. CHwB Kosova
  2. Valdete Idrizi – Civil society activist
  4. Community Building Mitrovica (CBM)
  5. Me dorë në zemër
  6. 7 Arte
  7. Selvie Kurti – Civil society activist
  8. Ardiana Osmani – Civil society activist
  9. Mitrovica Rock School
  10. Bridge Film Fest
  11. Besa Luzha – Civil society activist
  13. Bekim Ismali – Civil society activist
  14. NGO “EKOSISTEMI” Gjilan
  15. Kosovo Centre for Rehabilitation of Torture Victims –QKRMT
  16. NGO ETEA
  18. Organisation Integra
  19. Institute for the Advancement of Education
  20. NGO THY
  22. ESTA Kosova
  23. Organisation SHKRM
  24. Albanian Numismatic Society “Demastion”
  25. Varg e Vi
  26. Center of Musical Art DAM
  27. Foundation ARSKOSOVA
  28. Foundation Lumbardhi
  29. NGO Syrgjyni 
  30. Cultural Forum
  31. RrOK Prizren
  32. X40 Bunar Fest
  33. Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina
  34. Anibar
  35. Community Development Fund (CDF)
  36. Shtëpia e Shokëve
  37. NORMA
  38. Syri i Vizionit
  39. ANP Gjilan
  40. Developing Together
  41. Dora Dorës
  42. NGO Lady
  43. Beyond the Rainbow
  44. Erblin Ajdini – Civil society activist
  45. Center for Urban Studies “URBANIAK”
  46. Center for Education and Community Development – Friends
  47. Kosova ARS
  48. Futja Ngjyrë
  49. Program for Civil Rights in Kosovo (CRP/K)
  50. Organisation Gratë në Biznes
  51. CSSP
  52. Valët e Paqes
  53. Sot drejtë të Ardhmes

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Dec 06 - 2016

Workshop on design & branding of cultural sites

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Dec 08 - 2016

CHwB Kosovo joins four local networks of NGOs