Sep 16 - 2014

2nd CONTRACT NOTICE – Bridge construction near Pogragja castle


On 16 September 2014 the Municipality of Gjilan has published the contract notice on the construction of the bridge near Pogragja Castle in Gjilan. The deadline for application is September 26th, 2014. For more information please check the notice.

This project is co-funded by CHwB Kosovo office through funding from the Swedish state and Gjilan Municipality and represents one of the priorities of the Local Cultural Heritage Plan of Gjilan. This priority was identified in the framework of Local Cultural Heritage Plans programme 2012-2015 drafted by CHwB, Municipality of Gjilan and other central level institutions. For more information on the program click here.

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Sep 16 - 2014

The tradition of jumping off from the Saint Bridge returns

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Sep 16 - 2014

Terms of participation for Tour de Culture-28 September 2014