Jan 29 - 2015

New grant promoting active public participation in planning

CHwB Kosovo office has signed a new grant with “Partnerships for Development“ (an USAID funded project) for promoting active public participation in municipal spatial planning.

[caption id="attachment_3695" align="aligncenter" width="604"]usaid news 2 Public consultation on Local Plan for Cultural Heritage in Rahovec (May 2013)[/caption]

The project objective is to empower all community groups, especially women, youth and vulnerable groups, during decision-making process and implementation in local spatial planning aim, covering five pilot municipalities: Gjakova, Malisheva, Peja, Prishtina and Vushtrri. Furthermore, it is aimed to initiate a meaningful collaboration between citizens and local governments, hence promote the sense of empowerment and ownership over the process. Based on the spatial planning components involving five municipalities, the project aims to deliver the following results in each partner municipality:

  • Establishment of the Community Advisory Board
  • Drafting of the Public Participation Plans & implementation of community outreach events
  • Drafting of the Guidebook on participatory spatial planning

Overall length of the project is 7 months. For detailed project description please click here. For more information regarding USAID and their extensive work click here.

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Jan 29 - 2015

Scholarship re-announcement for Rahovec students

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Jan 30 - 2015

Interventions in the city library are now completed