Tour de Culture is the only non-competitive cycling and recreational activity in Kosovo open to all. This annual event, which tends to reveal every year a corner of our country, in 2010 included municipality of Prizren, Mamuşa and Rahovec.
Sep 03 - 2014
A brochure about four traditional houses in the village of Velika Hoča in Rahovec which have all been restored and now offer Bed and Breakfast accommodation.
Sep 03 - 2014
The network was founded in 2006 at the Museum Gustavianum in Uppsala, Sweden. Eleven museums from six Balkan countries were invited and all are still active members of the network.
Sep 03 - 2014
Museums belonging to the CHwB Regional Museum Network explored the background to developing partnerships with disabled people and to reduce the barriers within their organizations.
Sep 03 - 2014
CHwB Kosovo office in collaboration with the Prishtina International Summer University and the Institute for the Protection of Monuments in Prizren, implemented a project for the documentation of seven traditional houses in Prizren.
Sep 03 - 2014
Publication of this authorized translation into Albanian language was financed by CHwB through Sida and the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Kosovo.
Sep 03 - 2014