
Envisioning technique in participatory planning (ENG)

Envisioning technique in participatory planning (ENG)

The envisioning workshops led by UN-HABITAT Kosovo office were the inclusive planning activities organised in different nine municipalities. CHwB has been a partner in those municipalities with the potentials of cultural and natural heritage.


Sep 03 - 2014

Draft report from Visioning Workshop Gračanica (ENG)

Draft report from Visioning Workshop Gračanica (ENG)

Visioning Workshop of Gračanica was organised from 25 to 29 November 2010 by UN-Habitat Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) and supported by CHwB Kosovo and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES).


Sep 03 - 2014

Ethno-Heritage of Prizren, Sharr And Mamusha (ALB, ENG)

Ethno-Heritage of Prizren, Sharr And Mamusha (ALB, ENG)

Catalogue of exhibition held during the European Heritage Days 2009 organized by Shpresa Siqeca from the NGO Gjeqovi and financially supported by CHwB Kosovo.


Sep 03 - 2014

Tour de Culture 2009 (ALB, SER, ENG)

Tour de Culture 2009 (ALB, SER, ENG)

Tour de Culture is the only non-competitive cycling and recreational activity in Kosovo open to all. This annual event, which tends to reveal every year a corner of our country, in 2009 included the municipality of Junik, Gjakova and Rahovec.


Sep 03 - 2014

Prizren through the retro-visor (ALB, ENG)

Prizren through the retro-visor (ALB, ENG)

Comparison of old and new images of Prizren produced by NGO "EC ma ndryshe" and financed by CHwB Kosovo.


Sep 03 - 2014

Extracts From Kulturarv som et Aktiv i Byfornyelse (ENG)

Extracts From Kulturarv som et Aktiv i Byfornyelse (ENG)

We have translated and published extracts from the Danish report 'Active Cultural Heritage in Urban and Rural Development' which highlights good examples from Kosovo, all of which are CHwB projects.


Sep 03 - 2014