
7 integrated conservation projects in Junik municipality (ALB, ENG)

7 integrated conservation projects in Junik municipality (ALB, ENG)

This publication contains extracts from 7 projects carried out in the municipality of Junik, rich with cultural and natural heritage. Projects implemented in the time frame 2001-2011 included a large number of partners and stakeholders.


Sep 03 - 2014

Projects 2010 (ALB, SER, ENG)

Projects 2010 (ALB, SER, ENG)

This publication contains information with the details and results achieved from projects implemented by CHwB Kosovo office during the year 2010.


Sep 03 - 2014

1+1 Life and Love simultaneous exhibition (ENG)

1+1 Life and Love simultaneous exhibition (ENG)

In the simultaneous exhibition “1+1: Life & Love” 11 museums from the Balkans discovered ways to talk about passion, journeys, earth, hand-making, together and love songs.


Sep 03 - 2014

South East European Heritage network (ENG)

South East European Heritage network (ENG)

South East European (SEE) Heritage is a network of civil society organizations from South East Europe, established in 2006. This network gathers all those willing to contribute to protecting and promoting the heritage.


Sep 03 - 2014

Rites and Actuality (ALB, ENG)

Rites and Actuality (ALB, ENG)

Research and documentation on rite of Small Summer, Saint George and Calling the Rain. This project was implemented by Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology and was financed by CHwB Kosovo.


Sep 03 - 2014

Draft report from Visioning Workshop Parteš (ENG)

Draft report from Visioning Workshop Parteš (ENG)

Visioning Workshop of Parteš was organised from 19 to 23 July 2011 by UN-Habitat Municipal Spatial Planning Support Programme (MuSPP) and supported by CHwB Kosovo and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES).


Sep 03 - 2014