Balkan Cultural Aid Response for Emergencies

Oct 28 - 2016


Three CHwB foundations (CHwB Albania, CHwB Bosnia and Herzegovina and CHwB Kosovo) have joined forced to build on the past results in the area of the risk preparedness and disaster response.

Running back to back in three countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo) a 23 days long training programme Balkan Cultural Aid Response for Emergencies (B-CARE) would be realized in connection to the three country-based interventions concerning disaster preparedness and response focusing on museum artifacts, historic buildings and intangible heritage.

Through this training, 30 heritage professionals (students and junior professionals) coming from the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and the Middle East would learn about the first aid to cultural heritage through the comprehensive training in both theory and practice, as the training is designed based on the methodology of the CHwB’s award winning Regional Restoration Camps.

The 3 courses would be held over one time span, moving the group from country to country. It would start in BiH, continue to Kosovo and end in Albania. In this way participants will have the opportunity to experience similar, yet different cultural heritage context and issues related to it across the region. And they may find similarities to their home context in one or more locations.

B-CARE allows a broad range of people from different backgrounds to be trained in basic first aid to cultural heritage; gathers information regarding future training needs on the first aid to heritage; enables experiencing teamwork and intercultural exchange among participants, breaking down barriers; improves disaster preparedness and response in the Western Balkans by increasing the capacities of local heritage institutions and individuals — providing them with knowledge and tools to meet their needs.