
Regional Tourism Center n’DUKAGJIN

Regional Tourism Center n’DUKAGJIN

Establishment of this toursim center was made possible within the project "See you in Dukagjin" financed by EU, managed by EU office in Kosovo and implemented by CHwB Kosovo in partnership with municipalities of Peja, Deçan and Junik.


Sep 03 - 2014

Tour de Culture 2012 (ALB, SER, ENG)

Tour de Culture 2012 (ALB, SER, ENG)

Tour de Culture is the only non-competitive cycling and recreational activity in Kosovo open to all. This annual event, which tends to reveal every year a corner of our country, in 2012 included the municipalities of Viti, Parteš and Gjilan.


Sep 03 - 2014

Prizren traditional embroidery (ALB, ENG)

Prizren traditional embroidery (ALB, ENG)

Catalogue of exhibition held during the European Heritage Days 2012 organized by Shpresa Siqeca from the NGO Gjeqovi and financially supported by CHwB Kosovo.


Sep 03 - 2014

Magic world of Prizren carpets (ALB, ENG)

Magic world of Prizren carpets (ALB, ENG)

Catalogue of exhibition held during the European Heritage Days 2012 organized by Shpresa Siqeca from the NGO Gjeqovi and financially supported by CHwB Kosovo.


Sep 03 - 2014

Synopsis of lectures on heritage management – Extract from Beledije training courses (ALB)

Synopsis of lectures on heritage management – Extract from Beledije training courses (ALB)

The European Parliament pilot project "Development of a regional Cultural Heritage Training Facility in Kosovo" was implemented from 2010 to 2012 where CHwB Kosovo was part of the consortium headed by PEM GmbH.


Sep 03 - 2014

CHwB Kosovo program description 2005-2011 (ENG, ALB, SER)

CHwB Kosovo program description 2005-2011 (ENG, ALB, SER)

This leaflet contains general information of three CHwB Kosovo programs: 1. Integrated Conservation, 2. Restoration of historic buildings and 3. Local development through cultural heritage, during the period 2005-2011.


Sep 03 - 2014